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Discollection and the Penkhull Slims


My rather excellent publisher, Penkhull Press has recently launched a new series, to be called Penkhull Slims. They're complete books in their own right but slimmer, lighter volumes. Yep, it's not just a clever name! This was great news for me as I'm feeling a bit stalled on Maybe It's Tonight and have been scribbling a few new short stories to get the juices flowing again.

So the project for now, until that Muse woman decides to return my calls, is to assemble my shorter scribbles and assemble them into a single collection. I'll include some of my favourites from It Never Was Worthwhile so that they're available under my solus name and we should be good to go.

But there's a problem. These are stories that I've written whenever an idea has nudged me while it was trying to squeeze past. There's about as much consistency of theme as a wallpaper catalogue. Wandering around in there you'll find mass murderers, ghosts, Zulu witch doctors, a couple of zombies and a missionary in a difficult position.

So I've decided to call it Discollection. Clever, eh?

Oh, please yourselves.


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